Posts made in March, 2013

Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted by on Mar 13, 2013 | 0 comments

Happy Birthday to Us!

Another year has come and gone and here we are. Three years ago, I sat down to share some of our stories. Our child, our beautiful boy who happened to have autism, was too hilarious to keep to ourselves.

I had no idea where that day would lead.

Three years later, I’ve written over a hundred posts (yeah, I know, I need to step it up), gathered almost two thousand friends in the Facebook community, countless more on Twitter, and made too many new friends both on-line and in real life to count. We have helped raise money locally for our autism societies here in British Columbia, given guidance to some folks new on the path, and gained more knowledge and wisdom and love than I could ever begin to give back.

But I will try.  I will be here more often, that is my pledge to you, to myself, and to Jack.  There are so many stories to tell, so many lessons to learn, so very many new friends to meet. We are together, even if we never meet face to face. Our autism life is a big buffet, and we’re bringing laughter with a side of activism. I look forward to seeing what you’re bringing, too.

Cheers, to you, to us, to this crazy thing we call autism.

Namaste, friends.  I’m so very happy you’re here.

crabby jack

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